The success of Uber comes across as a prime example of how the on-demand service economy is flourishing even in this competitive world. It comes across as an inspiration for business owners who are looking to carve a niche of their own and grab a bigger share of the pie. And, the most important step to do that is to turn their business mobile i.e. get a taxi booking mobile app for it. But, what might seem like just hiring an app developer and getting the job done is a lot more complex than you imagined. You need to have a basic idea about which features you must include in the app – that’s exactly what this blog is all about. Here is a blog that discusses 6 important Taxi App Features.
1. A simple and interactive UI

One of the very first important features of a taxi app is having a very well-designed Considering the fact that you are dealing with smaller screens here, as compared to computers, you need to be really smart to incorporate the most important information you need from the user in a limited space. From keeping the signup page to the internal screens, you must ensure that things are simple and clutter-free. Keep things to the bare minimum so that users don’t get scared looking at a messy screen!
2. Real-time tracking of the cab

Integrating your app with the GPS not only ensures that the users can track where they are headed once they are in the cab, but at the same time, it also helps them to get an idea about the availability of cabs in the vicinity before they have actually booked it. To go a step ahead, you can also incorporate the feature of sharing cab routes so that the safety element is enhanced, and the users feel completely secure while they are riding.
3. Easy-peasy payment gateways

There should be transparency in the payment system, with users having the option to pay online or in cash. Also, making sure that the users get lucid fare details for the ride, cost estimation, as well as the time of the ride, are some important factors that need to be incorporated into the application to make it competitive and market-ready.
4. Feature to review your services

Give users a platform where they can share their views about your service quickly and easily. This is the reason adding the option to review your services must be present within your app. You can use a rating system for the same, or provide predefined metrics like Driver behavior, cab condition, ride quality, and the overall experience.
5. Covering maximum within limited space

The key to creating a successful mobile app is to be able to cover maximum
details in limited space. And, only an adept app developer can help you achieve
that. If you are looking to give your taxi booking service a boost by joining
this mobile app bandwagon and getting a quick taxi app built, then we, at
ValueAppz can be your best friend.
6. Autocalculated fares for start to destination
Makes it so people who don’t want to be full-time…
drivers can pick up people going in the same direction. Because they get the start-to-end locations before they accept, I think more people would be willing to pick up someone going the same way instead of finding out after you pick them up
that they are going in the opposite direction. GPS can calculate the accurate location
where both driver and passenger first met, and then when they separated. No
disputes on either side as to where, when, or how far because it kept track of
all that, calculated the fare automatically beforehand, and transferred the
correct amount once they parted ways. Get this Uber clone script for your online business and avail of its extraordinary features at industrial-leading prices.
Also check our outstanding products and Services, Ubereats script, and Uber for courier app script.