Dynamic taxi app solution for driver’s tasks
Seamless taxi app of Drivemax allows drivers to manage their bookings at a faster pace and keep a track on each ride and its income. Offering best Uber Clone Script for taxi app solution with integrated analytics to gauge the efficiency of drivers. The Drivemax driver app solution includes:

Easy Registration
Drivers can easily add the required details and request for a signup.

Google navigation
Google maps navigation to provide the right directions to the particular destination.

Drivers can select themselves whether to be online or offline at any anytime so that they can remain flexible.

Start/Finish Ride
Drivers can mark when they are arriving, when they are going to start the trip and also when the trip has ended in order to generate automated bills.

Real-time Request
Real-time Request Drivers get notifications in their app for new requests with the details of pickup.

Invoice generation
At the time when the passenger reaches the destination, the driver can generate invoice for their ride.

Trip History
Once the trip is completed, the driver can view the history of the trip right from the point it has started till it has ended.

The driver has the option to accept or reject the request received form the passengers.

Ride Information
The driver has the option to accept or reject the request received form the passengers.